Our belief is that learning and development is best embedded through a modular approach that builds over a period of time, starting with self-awareness, supported by 1:1 coaching and the power of group shared experience working with live examples.
We use technology as an enabler and accelerator. iLEAD and our eLEARNING platform mean that a company can design a bespoke experience with a combination of shared resources, self-learning and interactive session with coaches and colleagues through a virtual platform.
This combination of face to face and virtual learning modules enables a rich geographic, functional and cultural diversity to be a part of an inclusive learning experience.
We ideally start any programme design with an iLEAD assessment to see where the competency gaps of the leadership group are. Aesara has developed a set of leadership competencies which we share with our clients, or we can adapt our assessment to reflect a client’s leadership competencies as the foundation of a programme.
From a range of tools, we tailor 360 interviews, 180 surveys and the right psychometric to ensure the self-awareness of the participants is robust.
The actual design of the programme can include a variety of components including:
Pre and post reading tailored to the sessions
Virtual video modules for self-learning
Internal coaching where a coaching culture is the goal
From 90-minute modules, to full days, we design the modules to suit the schedule of the participants
Psychometrics, 360 and 180 feedback
Feed forward to benchmark progress of a participant
Assessments at the end of a programme
ICF Accreditation for coaching skills to Lead with Coaching and Internal Business Coaching
iLEAD is a technology platform that enables sustainable learning is particularly powerful where an organisation seeks to embed a coaching culture.
It is built on a decade of supporting the leadership development programmes for companies ranging from entrepreneurial companies to multi nationals, investment banks and professional services.